exposed rammed earth residence with innovative mid-wall insulation
 stand alone passive and active solar rammed earth residence
 holistic rammed earth deep green architecture

rammed earth forming system w/ Greg Madeen's 1988 mid-wall insulation idea
 experimental rammed earth wall construction
 environmental rammed earth house
 sculptural rammed earth walls
 tamping local soil in wall forms
 creative construction project
 Greg Madeen-Architect w/ alternative rammed earth wall & color bands
 rammed earth wall details utilizing soil from same property
 local lumber on rammed earth walls
 ecological solar rammed earth residence

Prairie style inspired, rammed earth residence

Prairie style inspired, rammed earth residence

Rammed earth stable/apartment on a working ranch near Lubock, TX with active and passive solar systems
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 Rammed Earth:
Is a wall system made of earth, water, and sometimes cement tamped in 8" layers inside of removable forms.
Compaction is the force that turns soil into sedimentary rock. In rammed earth, compaction occurs through impact with the force of a tamper falling time and again on a recipient soil mass.This impact not only compresses the soil, but
also encourages the individual particles within the soil to realign themselves. The jarring action of the tamper forces the particles into the tightest possible molecular and
mechanical configuration.
Rammed earth construction can utilize local natural materials and provides excellent thermal mass.