Passive solar adobe & wood frame pueblo style residence in Tesque, New Mexico
 Historical adobe estate in Sante Fe, New Mexico

passive solar "mountain style" adobe residence near Telluride, Colorado utilizing local logs with the adobes exposed on the interiors

passive solar "mountain style" adobe residence near Telluride, Colorado utilizing local logs with the adobes exposed on the interiors
 Commercial sun dried adobe at the historical town of Ojo Caliente hot springs
 Tuscan Style solar adobe residence along the Animas River in Durango, Colorado
2,000 sq. ft. adobe professional sound recording studio in Sante Fe, New Mexico
Double adobe ecological residence in Canyoncito, New Mexico
 Adobe Residence

alternative-natural-environmental architecture by Greg Madeen
 Adobe Kiva Fireplace
 Enviromental passive solar adobe residence near Telluride, Colorado
 Solar residence in Durango, CO
 Exposed adobe wall

Energy efficient residence
 Two story adobe Residence in Sante Fe, New Mexico
 Dining room with plastered adobe walls
 Natural solar adobe residence in Sante Fe, New Mexico
 Pueblo style adobe residence in Sante Fe, New Mexico
 Innovative adobe storm water directing canale
 Two story adobe residence in northern New Mexico
 Territorial style commercial adobe project
 Adobe fireplace at commercial retreat near Pagosa Springs, Colorado
 Residential adobe interior in Sante Fe, New Mexico
 Adobe, wood frame, and fired brick residence in northern New Mexico
 Adobe walls on a northern New Mexico style house

Exposed adobe garden wall in Tesuque, New Mexico
 Exposed adobe privacy wall with tile cap
 Adobe Residence on the Gunnison River near Grand Junction, Colorado

sustainable Santa Fe style design by environmental architect-Greg Madeen
 Adobe Residence in northern New, Mexico
 Adobe Residence in northern New, Mexico
Adobe Residence in northern New, Mexico

holistic passive solar adobe residence in historic Sante Fe, New Mexico
Passive solar adobe residence in historic Sante Fe, New Mexico with an exposed adobe privacy wall

sustainable solar adobe residence in Southwest Colorado

Active & passive solar adobe residence in central Colorado

Greg Madeen laying adobes decades ago
Adobe is the popular Spanish word for mud brick. The term Adobe refers to an unfired earth brick used for building walls. Adobe bricks are made of sand, clay, water, and sometimes straw.
The brick typically measures
approximately 10"wx14"lx4"h.
The bricks are dried in
the sun and then stacked to build walls. Often covered in stucco or earth
plaster, adobe walls
provide excellent thermal mass that combines well with passive solar
heating. Adobes can
also be used to form
vaults and domes. Adobe is a forgiving material.
Some feel that the
unfired clay in adobes
has an additional low-
tech evaporative
cooling effect
similar to a phase
change material.
Sometimes adobes
are stabilized with
various additives to
make them more
impervious to
moisture. Most of the oldest structures still in existence are were constructed with adobes. An adobe
is a very natural
product. Some
estimates suggest
over 1/2 the
worlds population
live in earthen structures.