Passive solar commercial building w/ photovoltaics (PV) plus solar thermal in-floor heat and domestic hotwater near Durango, Colorado
 PV roof mounted solar electric collectors and ground mounted solar thermal collectors

PV solar garden project. Barn with timber frame roof structure, beetle kill local pine siding, and a 40 kW photovoltaic array
 PV collectors for stand alone commercial retreat near Pagosa Springs, Colorado
 solar thermal collectors on craftsman house in historic Durango, Colorado
 PV collectors for household electricity plus water well pump
 solar thermal collectors for in-floor heat plus domestic hot water near Pagosa Springs, Colorado
 solar collectors and wind generator for earth covered deep green residence
 ground mounted solar thermal collectors
 solar collectors screened behind parapet walls in Santa Fe, New Mexico
 solar thermal collectors mounted on commercial car port

9 foot deep horizontal heat transfer field for geothermal solar heating and cooling
 photovoltaic (PV) sun trackers
 solar thermal collectors on historic residence in Durango, Colorado
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