summer/day passive solar performance diagram
 summer/night passive solar performance diagram
 winter/day passive solar performance diagram
 winter/night passive solar performance diagram
 partial earth covered commercial meditation center
 water used as thermal mass
passive solar residence near Mesa Verde, Colorado
 innovative passive solar house with adobe as thermal mass

Rendering of DeWindt/Henry design
 March 2009 Greg Madeen invented the concept of ceiling
thermal mass which was added to this passive solar house
 innovative mountain/mining style residence near Pagosa Springs, Colorado
 alternative direct gain passive solar mountain style house at
8,500 feet elevation
 architectural model showing passive solar design
 efficient solar architecture near Durango, Colorado
 passive solar adobe building with little need for additional heating or cooling
 Passive solar straw bale with slate floors, cob walls, and natural stone wood stove suround
 earth bermed solar residence with central courtyard

natural passive solar straw bale residence at 8,500 feet elevation
 direct gain residence with pumice-crete thermal mass walls

ecological passive solar design with double wide pressed adobe walls by Greg Madeen-environmental architect
 creative solar design in southwest Colorado
 innovative stone and wood passive solar architecture
 overhangs on passive solar house in southwest Colorado
 commercial swimming pool enclosure at ski resort
 commercial passive solar building
 commercial passive solar retreat
 experimental solar pumice-crete residence in the Rocky Mountains
 solar adobe with inexpensive shading device in historic Santa Fe, New Mexico

Direct gain residence - Under Construction

commercial solar wood stove shop design in Bozeman, Montana

Clerestory design
 passive and active solar alternative residence near Durango, Colorado
 super efficient SIPS house
 environmental house with wall and ceiling structural insulating panels
 passive solar super efficient home
 passive solar design w/ center exposed adobe thermal mass wall in Durango, Colorado
 deep green earth covered south facing residence in Telluride, Colorado
 holistic direct gain plus greenhouse pumice-crete design in northern New Mexico
 direct gain passive solar house in Tesuque, New Mexico
 production green house near Calgary, Canada in collaboration w/ Madeen Interior Design

green house passive solar collector in Pella, Iowa
 western Canada earth sheltered greenhouse
 protected north earth-covered entry for a south facing greenhouse
 earth sheltered production greenhouse in collaboration w/ Madeen Interior Design
 interior of Alberta, Canada production greenhouse
 efficient trombe wall thermal mass directly behind south glazing
 shading devices to prevent summer overheating on passive solar residence
 experimental passive solar design near Durango, Colorado
 trombe wall behind glass with view windows
 solar adobe guest house with trombe wall near Taos, New Mexico